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Sore knees are an issue that plenty of people face in their day-to-day lives. Whether it’s as a result of genetic problems like arthritis, former injuries from sports, or leading an overly sedentary lifestyle, the issue of knee pain and knee problems can be persistent and altogether cumbersome to living your best and healthiest life.

As a young kid, you didn’t think much of it, but as you get older, it starts to take more of a toll. This is why people need to care when they can so that they can rehabilitate their knees while it’s still possible. When you can heal or help prevent soreness and injury in the knees at a younger age, there is a lower likelihood of more serious injury complications that can jeopardize your quality of life.

If you’re someone that is suffering from sore knees or you suspect it may befall you and you’d like some support now before it gets too bad, here are the top ways to help find relief and feel like your best self again.

Proper Exercise

There’s a lot of contradictory information about soreness in the knees. One such myth is that exercising harms the knees more than not exercising. The problem with that myth is that exercise is crucial to making sure your knees get used properly enough so that they are moving and getting strengthened. Heavy squats, heavy deadlifts, and heavy Olympic lifts can be damaging if done improperly or too frequently, but the knees need to be tested and moved often. Proper exercise is a necessary step in helping strengthen the tendons, the muscles, and ensuring that they can handle different movements and heavier loads.


Naturally, stretching is always something that you should keep in mind when you are planning on rehabbing sore knees. A good stretching regimen is easy to come up with, and the tips at https://www.for-knees.com are a good place to start for those looking to come up with a good stretch program. You’ll want to invest in a yoga mat so you can comfortably lay on your floor to complete many of the stretches, but ultimately, they will be incredibly helpful for you in the long run as you get relief from the pain of having aching knees.

Good Nutrition

The knees are just like your biceps, they need the right support from exercise but also nutrition, to stay healthy. Working out and stretching are important pieces of the puzzle, but a good diet is going to help with bone and joint health, along with muscular support for said bones and joints. You want to consume food that is calcium and protein-rich, so dairy and meat (or meat substitutes for vegans/vegetarians) are a must, along with vegetables high in amino acid content.

Too much calcium can also be a bad thing, so don’t think that milk will solve your problems if you drink a lot. You also want to avoid foods that are high in nitrate content, as this can cause gas build-up in joints. While not detrimental to your joint health, it requires you to pop or crack joints more often which can be a nuisance.

Additional Supplements

The food you eat isn’t the only way to get the nutrients required to help support and maintain the health of your knee joints, muscles, and bones. You should be considering adding supplements to your daily routine so that you can be sure to get everything you need that will help keep your knees working properly. In particular, vitamins C and D, as well as fish oil (omega-3s and 6s) are great for bone health, but another one you might not have heard about is glucosamine. Glucosamine helps repair the integral features of the knee to make sure you are able to do what you love for as long as you can. These are supplements that should be a staple in your cupboard.

Regular Movement

If you’re someone that can’t work out, doesn’t have time, or for any other reason, you don’t need to hit the gym for 2 hours a day, you just need to get up and move every once in a while. The sedentary lifestyle is slowly killing us because we’re spending more time at home or on our computers, couches, or in a cubicle. It’s causing wear and tear in big ways without us noticing. The way to combat this is to get up and walk around for 15-20 minutes after every hour or an hour and a half of sitting. You want to at least get in 1 hour of cumulative exercise (big or small) a day. This can be spread out, like a quick walk on your break or some stretching.

Supportive Wear

There is also an entire industry of clothing and activewear that is tailored towards people with knee problems. Knee braces and compression knee sleeves are very common, and you’ve probably seen plenty of people wear them too. If you have recurring sore knees, these are a simple but effective solution. You can always talk to your doctor about whether you need them, or get one and try it out. It’s also advised that you start wearing more supportive footwear for your knees and your back, which is often in the form of an insole.

Physical Therapy

Lastly, if your sore knees are still causing you plenty of issues, then it’s likely time that you go see a physical therapist get a comprehensive evaluation. They can perform chiropractic medicine to help relieve stress or pain on the knees, and help provide you with helpful advice on stretching and workouts. They have seen plenty of people in your situation, so if you feel like nothing else is working, it’s not a bad idea by any means to contact one and figure out a gameplan to help with your knee rehabilitation.

The knees are two of the most important parts of your body. They help you move, jump, run, manipulate your body and help keep you supported, so you should show them love and treat them right. These top ways to treat sore knees will provide you with some excellent help in keeping your knees nice and healthy.