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Maintaining your blood sugar levels is an important task. To stay healthy and avoid or manage conditions such as diabetes, understanding what to do and when to do it is the only way to give yourself the best chance at optimizing physical health. When you know what to look for and how to do it, you will feel empowered to manage things more autonomously too. The six tips below are all about how to maintain your blood sugar levels at optimal readings to avoid becoming poorly or needing medical intervention.


Know The Warning Signs of Low and High Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar and high blood sugar levels are equally as dangerous for the physical health. When these levels are not properly managed, there are lots of negative consequences that will occur on either side of the scale. If you are struggling with low blood sugar you may notice an intense hunger pang, shaking, rapid heartbeat, disorientation, and dizziness. Whereas if it is high blood sugar levels causing the problems you are more likely to feel very tired, thirsty, and even struggle with thrush or cystitis.

Eat The Right Food At Regular Intervals

Part of the issue around regulating blood sugar levels is down to what you eat and when you eat it. If you know you are struggling with regulation, taking a look at this schedule is bound to help. Certain carbohydrates, for instance, pasta or pizza, are quite restrictive and cause spikes in blood sugar. Skipping meals is also problematic as it leaves your body for long stretches without energy and food and makes it extremely difficult to control your weight. People who are overweight are at an increased risk of developing issues with their blood sugar levels.

Try to Increase Your Fibre

If you are struggling to minimize your carb intake, try adding more fiber to your diet. Fibre is a great way to slow down the carb break down the process and therefore deplete the sugar being released in your blood. Look at introducing some vegetable portions with your main meals, and some fruit for snacks. These are two simple ways you can modify your habits and move towards better ones for your body.

Include Some Low Glycemic Index Foods

Low Glycemic foods are leafy greens, sweetcorn, bananas, raisins, and cereals. These sorts of food types support your blood sugar levels between meal times. This makes them great as snacks, desserts, or as a part of a main meal throughout the day.

Actively Keep an Eye on It

One of the easiest ways to maintain good blood sugar levels is by tracking it with smart tech like a continuous glucose monitor. Devices like this are designed to actively monitor your glucose levels, allowing you to see what causes spikes or lows throughout the day. You can then analyze this data to see where there is room for concern, or to observe what works for your body.

Drink Sufficient Amounts of Water

Water, as opposed to fruit juice or soda-style drinks, is a really useful tool for properly managing your physical health and bodily function. When you drink water above anything else, you will be properly hydrated, which does magical things for all areas of the body. You will also be able to pass urine more often, which means the kidneys will be able to flush blood sugar out through your urine and it won’t settle inside your bloodstream instead.

Blood sugar levels need to be managed properly. If they are not, there is a significant chance that you will become quite poorly and leave yourself at risk of developing lifelong conditions that require a deeper level of input. Take simple steps to avoid deterioration, and make sure you know the signs.