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With the large world population that uses Facebook and the numerous news that goes around the platform unrestricted, myths have found fertile ground there to grow and spread since people tend to take everything they see on Facebook at face value without any further checking.

Due to the lack of transparency from the company, users were ready to believe whatever they heard about it. Facebook’s users spread these misconceptions by liking, commenting, and sharing without giving too much thought to the things written, which increases these posts’ visibility and invites others to believe them. This essay will talk about the top six Facebook myths.

Facebook Myths Busted

Accounts’ Viewer Reveal

It is probably the most widespread myth of all, which fooled most Facebook users at least once, with posts talking about numerous measures to be taken, links to be accessed, and apps to be installed. Unfortunately, none of these methods have worked out for anybody.

You have just seen a fake post with comment sections and testimonials of people claiming they have finally found out who is secretly viewing their account. This cheap trick always plays on our wishful thinking of having a secret admirer, having our ex-creeping around us again, or on our paranoid imagination of being watched and followed all the time. Facebook is sick and tired of this and has also published a disclaimer.

“No, Facebook doesn’t tell people you’ve seen their profile. Third-party apps also can’t provide this functionality….”

Inactive Accounts Delete

This myth was based on Facebook’s announcement of cancelling likes businesses get from inactive accounts because many companies bragged about having a wide public base by creating fake accounts and adding likes to their pages, which made them gain some profits through fraud.

However, some wrongfully interpreted this as an intention to get rid of the accounts whose users have been inactive for a long period. This has driven some spammers to send spam messages to users stating that they have been inactive for a long time and Facebook is about to cancel their accounts, and if they want to keep their page on the platform, they should share or copy a certain message. It is a flat-out lie, so block those who send such things.

Identity Card Verification

Once, Facebook declared that it wanted to build a community of real people with real names and actual existence to create an ambiance of trust among its users. However, this declaration has been abused by scammers who saw an opportunity to steal others’ personal information.

They do that by sending users messages saying that Facebook has doubts about their identity and needs a credible ID photo to be sent immediately. This is a scam because Facebook asks for an ID before you got logged in when

– It needs to know that you are signing in to your account and not trying to hack others’

– It needs to verify your name to close the doors for any imposters who are preying on others.

Smoothness Of Facebook Account Deletion

You have concerns over your data and want to do away with Facebook to keep it from infringing on your privacy. They have told you when you delete your account; all your data disappears immediately. Wait a minute! Deleting a Facebook account with all the data accumulated over the year is not a walk in the park. 

There are many steps to be followed, then Facebook clearly states that it will give you thirty days to reconsider before deleting the accounts, it will take months to erase all your comments and posts, and finally, it will say that the messages you have sent to friends may still be there.

Privacy Protection Notice

This is a sort of message that has been circulating around Facebook for a while now following the scandals that hit social media companies of selling their users’ data to candidates running for the presidency or other political positions; you must have seen one of your Facebook friends posting something like, “I am… I don’t give Facebook permission to use my data, and I will sue in case of any encroachment, etc.”

While it is a good idea to review Facebook privacy terms, which we ignored when we first signed in because they were too long and time-consuming, posting this message will not change anything because changing privacy terms needs collective action from all users.

Complexity Of Content Creation

It is widely believed that creating content that attracts many followers is a time-consuming process, which puts many businesses off the idea of having an account there. It is not easy to please this picky audience that has seen a lot so far.

Still, Facebook has many features, such as Facebook advertisement templates and flyer templates, that help businesses create appealing content without spending too much time pondering it.

In short, a lie travels half the world while the truth still puts on its shoes. Don’t fall for every piece of information you spot on Facebook. The best place to know about Facebook’s latest news and features is its Help Center.


Facebook myths have found fertile ground on the platform, but it is essential to verify information before believing and sharing it. The best source for accurate information is Facebook’s Help Center. Remember to prioritize your privacy and security while using Facebook and avoid falling for scams. Also, do not believe in false information related to features like QR code viewers, as they do not exist.