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Everyone knows how important doing sports is – not only for your physical health but also for your emotional wellbeing. Health professionals recommend physical activity at least three times per week for you to see the full benefits. There are so many different sports to consider; you will certainly find something that you can enjoy and stick to in the long-term – even if you are not necessarily into sports.

However, one of the factors that cause individuals to not stick to physical activity is that they lack motivation, and many people do not enjoy doing this on their own. 

If you are lucky enough to be in a relationship, you may consider asking your partner whether they would like to join you. Doing a physical activity with your partner will benefit you as individuals but also your relationship in general as you may find that your bond will grow stronger. There are a few sports that may be more appropriate to do with your other half. This article will provide you with some sports that you can do with your partner. 


If you and your partner enjoy walking, this may be a good option for you. There are many benefits to hiking – it is quite physically demanding, even if you do not realize this as you are doing it. If you and your partner are individuals who like to spend time outdoors, then this may be a great option for you to consider. You should find a location that is abundant in nature and away from urban life, if possible, even if you have to drive to get there. Although you may feel aches in your muscles and tired in the first few days, you will quickly adapt and notice how good this makes you feel. 


Water sports are usually considered the most fun. Kayaking is certainly one to check out if you and your partner enjoy the water. Although this may not sound like the best option if you and your partner want to be fit, you will both be surprised at how much physical effort you will put into this. You can research the best tandem kayak for you and your partner, as this requires two people for effective performance. If you and your loved one are competitive individuals, you can even enter races, which will increase your motivation to practice together and will build your team working skills. 


Many couples choose to play tennis together as it is the perfect sport to play with one team member. You can either choose to play against each other or against other couples. It is a great one to build your stamina without feeling extremely physically demanding. 


Not everyone considers fishing a sport, and if you want to work on your physical endurance, stamina, and appearance, this may not be the best option to consider. However, you may enjoy doing this with your partner. It is a very good opportunity to teach you both patience and even provide you with some quiet time. Fishing can be very quiet depending on the spot you find, which will give you both alone time away from everything and everyone. 


Swimming is certainly fun for all ages and fitness levels. You and your partner can take lessons together, or simply go to a local swimming pool so that your time swimming is a bit more relaxed. If you are lucky enough to live near the beach, make your way there and enjoy the smell and sound of the ocean. You will both feel pleasantly tired at the end of each session. 

Martial Arts

When thinking about sports, fighting may not necessarily be your first option. However, it is something good to consider. MMA is becoming increasingly more popular in recent years amongst men and women. You and your partner may enjoy doing this together. It doesn’t really mean you will be fighting each other, but you can be in the same class. There are tons of benefits associated with practicing martial arts, including learning self-defense techniques, discipline, and trust in your partner, which may be something you two can benefit from. 


What is more intimate and romantic than learning how to dance with your loved one? You may have seen hundreds of movie scenes in romance films where individuals fall in love whilst dancing. This is something you can bring to life by taking a few classes. As you can imagine, there is a wide range of styles to learn from. Not everyone will be intimate and romantic. Make sure to discuss this with your other half before making a decision. 

If you love sports, it may be a good idea to take part in something with your partner, as this will strengthen your relationship and intimacy. The information on this page should provide you with a few ideas for a few sports you can try with your partner that you both will enjoy.