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Inflatable kayaking is no piece of cake especially when you are getting started with it as a beginner.

The hefty tides, uncanny movement of water, and uncertain water would trip your kayak within a split second and you won’t know what just happened.

But, here’s a catch:

You can still enjoy a safe and sound kayaking experience if you have the know-how of how things work in this sport.

Long story short, we are here to help you out with kayaking as a beginner.

Take a look at some of the most crucial tips you MUST know before going out for an adventurous kayaking experience:

7 Beginner Tips for Inflatable Kayaking You Should Know:

1. Pack According to the Circumstances

Packing is the most crucial part of inflatable kayaking and one must pack according to the circumstances.

That’s certainly true!

But there are some necessities that every beginner should keep to avoid any mishap.

For instance, packing a life jacket is a must as there’s no compromise on your life.

Similarly, one should keep an inflation pump as it will be utilized not only to inflate the kayak but maintain its air pressure as well.

Last but not the least, your MUST-HAVE packing should include paddles that you will use to row and keep your kayak balanced.

Apart from that, it’s a good practice to make a checklist of every other item that you’ll need before heading out with a whitewater inflatable kayak.

Double-check all the accessories you have just packed and set out for your journey accordingly.

2. Understanding the Basics

As a beginner, we assume that you’ll have less information about the basics of inflatable kayaking.

But don’t worry!

Start with figuring out the water conditions in which you’ll be rowing. Check whether the water is still or moving at a fast pace.

After analyzing the water conditions properly, check the weight capacity of the inflatable kayak you own and do not overburden it. If you do so, the kayak will take no time to trip over again and again.

3. Inform Someone Beforehand

Kayaking would go south, especially when you are rowing for the first time.

Not only is it necessary to row with someone who knows how kayaking works, but we would also suggest that you inform your closed ones about the venture.

Tell them wherever you are going as well as your expected return time so that in case of emergency they could take early measures to keep you protective and secure enough.

4. Maintain the Kayak’s Balance

Maintaining a balance of the kayak is key here!

As soon as it lands in the water, you will have to keep the kayak as balanced as possible while rowing it in the water.

For that to happen, you must load it carefully. Distribute the weight within the kayak carefully so that it may not trip as soon as you jump into it.

This way you will keep it stable enough and row the kayak as per your will and wish.

5. Row Close to the Shore

Not a good idea to explore deep waters, especially vast oceans when you are starting as a mere beginner.

Stay close to the shoreline with your kayak and row along with it so that even if you trip over or fall, you can gain momentum with little effort.

Keeping yourself safe is of paramount importance here and that’s the reason it’s not a good idea to row right in the middle of a vast river or ocean.

6. Stay Hydrated

Do not think about drinking ocean or river water as it’s not drinkable in most of the scenarios.

Always bring clean drinking water as you’ll need it more than ever to maintain hydration while paddling the kayak.

Arrange for water supply as per your needs and keep it stored in the kayak while you paddle your way along a river.

7. Bring Extra Accessories

Bringing a hat would be a good idea as it can keep you away from direct sunlight or rain.

Besides, you should also bring a cellphone as it could be utilized in case of emergency even if there are no signals in that area. Keep it fully charged!

Other than that, you can also rely on a whistle especially when you are far away from the shore.

Apply sunscreen if you want to paddle your inflatable kayak in scorching heat as it can keep your skin safe from burns and rashes.

Final Takeaways:

Inflatable kayaking is a fun activity as far as you take protective measures to keep yourself safe from a dangerous situation.

Follow all the tips we have mentioned to keep yourself on the safe side while paddling your kayak into water bodies.

Good Luck!!