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Transporting your bike, whether you’re moving or looking for your next adventure up north, can be complicated. Especially when it comes down to deciding on what Bike Rack would be best for your needs. Luckily, we’re sharing some things you should be considering before taking the plunge and investing in a bike rack.

The truth is, depending on a variety of factors everyone will have a different opinion on one hat Bike Rack is best. Therefore, you need to take your own situation into account when deciding and stay away from any potential biases. Instead, read a variety of reviews that can ultimately round out your decision.

Here’s what you should be considering before purchasing a bike rack.

1. The Type of Vehicle You Have

The type of vehicle you plan on using the bike rack with is probably one of the major factors that will affect the bike rack purchase. Owning an SUV, Truck, and RV are generally all going to require different types of bike racks. If you’re planning on heading camping you can check out the perfect bike rack options for your RV at https://rvsupplyco.com/maintenance/bike-rack/ where bike racks even vary when it comes to the difference in models.

To decide what size you’ll need, you can visit a dealership to have your car fitted or do a little research on your car’s outfitting. This can even be done at home. Some questions you can ask yourself are does your car have a hitch or crossbar? How big are these?

2. How Many Bikes Do You Want To Hold

Bike Racks come in different sizes which means that the number of bikes these racks can carry also vary. If you’re planning on lugging the bikes of your entire family, you’ll need to be on the hunt for specific bike racks.

You’ll also have to pay attention to the amount of weight each bike is and if that will exceed the weight limit of the bike rack you have your eyes on. Depending on the company, bike racks will either tell you their limits by weight or per bike.

As a general rule of thumb the more bikes, or the more weight, you want to carry – the more money you expect to spend on a bike rack. Essentially bike racks can range anywhere from $50 to $1000, the market is full of options.

3. The Size and Weight of Your Bike Rack In Relation To Gas

Speaking of weight, the number of bikes you intend to carry will also affect how often and how much you’ll be spending at the gas station. The added weight on your vehicle will cause the vehicle to burn more fuel and a quicker rate. If you’re planning on heading to a distant location, this might be something that could make a major dent in your pocket.

If this is something that could be a dealbreaker, looking into a bike rack that is attached to the back of your vehicle instead of on top might be the more conservative option.

4. Does The Bike Rack Contain Any Anti Theft Elements

Security, Security, Security. No one wants their trip or drive to end in their bikes being stolen. Bikes are often a huge investment so it’s only logical that you look for a bike rack that provides some added security. You’re in luck! Some bike racks offer extra protection in the form of heavy-duty locks, however, this isn’t a feature that’s available on every option.

You’ve probably already guessed, but the bike racks with added security do come at a larger price. In most cases, the price is justified especially if you’re securing something like a $500 mountain bike.

To get these locking features you will have to get a bike rack attached to the top of your vehicle, therefore likely increasing your gas station bill as well.

In case you haven’t realized yet, there are a lot of different options when it comes to bike racks. To make your research easier here are some of the most common types of bike racks:

  • Hitch Racks
  • Roof Racks
  • Trunk Racks
  • Truck Racks
  • Spare Tire Racks
  • RV Racks

Like we mentioned earlier, the variety of options and things to consider means that no two racks are the same and in a lot of cases no two people will require the same rack. Make your decision by analyzing your situation and consulting the experts.