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What to Do in Canada 

Is there more than just skiing for adrenaline junkies in Canada? Yes! Canada is jam-packed with extreme activities to satiate that desire for your heart to race. Many of the extreme activities available in Canada include navigating through different landscapes, such as towering mountains, rushing rivers, magnificent lakes, and extensive woods, but there are also urban adventures that will test your grit. Swimming with whales, bungee jumping, and camping in an ice cave are just a few of the exciting activities available in Canada. If you’re not sure where to begin, here’s a list of some of Canada’s most exciting adventure activities. 

CN Tower’s Famous Edge Walk 

Some folks become anxious just by looking down from the CN Tower’s sky-high glass observation decks. Those wanting an even more genuinely stratospheric experience may take the CN Tower EdgeWalk, the world’s highest complete circle, hands-free walk on a 1.5 m (5 ft) wide ledge around the top of the tower’s main pod, 356 m (1,168 ft) above the ground. Participants walk around the 360-degree perimeter of the tower while strapped to a track in this 90-minute workout to keep your heart in your chest, which is both scary and exciting. By leaning back or over the side, you may get unequalled views of Toronto. 

West Coast Trail 

The West Coast of Canada offers some of the country’s most magnificent landscapes. Pacific Rim National Park has gratefully maintained the legendary West Coast Trail, a 75-kilometre (47-mile) adventure through woodlands, bogs, up and down ladders, over steep and sandy shorelines, and more. At numerous locations, a short boat excursion or cable car ride is necessary. The week-long walk is not for the faint of heart; physical strength and stamina are required, so don’t underestimate it. Because you’ll probably see a few other people on your trek, you’ll be carrying everything you need, from supplies to meals, on your back. The West Coast Trail is available from May to September, and only 52 hikers are allowed every day, so book your spot early because this is one of Canada’s most popular trips. If you are an adrenaline junkie visiting Vancouver, don’t forget that this exists! 

Swimming With Whales 

Canada’s vast expanse of coastline provides various opportunities to see whales on their migration journeys or in search of food. A large ferry or a smaller, more nimble Zodiac boat transports the majority of people. On the other hand, the truly courageous plunge right into the whale-infested seas and swim alongside the amazing beasts. This type of vacation is best planned with the help of professionals, and Ocean Quest Adventures in Newfoundland, Canada’s most easterly (and maybe nicest) province, is one of the best. Rick and Debbie Stanley are hardly strangers to whales. They like entertaining guests and educating them about whales, marine protection, and tourism sustainability. 

White Water Rafting & Tidal Bore Surfing 

The world’s highest tides in the Bay of Fundy generate the tidal bore phenomenon. As the tide comes in, the outflowing Petitcodiac River surges back upstream, forming a gigantic, lengthy, continuous wave. The surfers are aware of the situation. Many courageous individuals risk their lives in the ocean in the hopes of catching one of the world’s largest waves. Rumour has it that several surfers rode the same wave for 25 kilometres (15 miles). Even if you lack the bravery to surf the tidal bores, simply viewing them is spectacular. It’s fantastic to see the waves flowing up the river and the river rising so swiftly with the tide. For information on when the bores will occur, contact the tourist office or look up the schedule online. Outside the tourist information office in Moncton, there is a fantastic observation platform. If you have ever wanted to catch the perfect wave, this is one way of doing it. 

Did you know that Ottawa is one of the best white water rafting destinations in the world? You’ll get soaked and sweaty, but the adrenaline rush will keep you going down the Ottawa River. The surrounding region offers a variety of options for conquering the river, regardless of your skill level or expertise.  

Bungee Jumping 

“Extreme” implies jumping 50 meters from a bridge while wearing nothing but a long elastic cable around your ankle. Although Canada does not claim to be the birthplace of bungee jumping, it does have several fantastic locations, like the well-known WildPlay Elements Jump. At Nanaimo’s WildPlay Elements Park, brave visitors may free fall 150 feet from a bridge, brushing up against the Nanaimo River before rebounding up and down. Budget-conscious visitors to Nanaimo in February will be pleased to find that every year, during a mental health fundraising and awareness event supporting the British Columbia Schizophrenia Society, WildPlay Nanaimo offers big-time bungee jumping discounts. You must, however, leap naked, and depending on the strength of your stomach, this may work out in your favour. There appears to be no shortage of interested parties. Tickets for spectators are also available. 

Ice Hotel 

Sleeping in an ice hotel may be fun and soothing, or it could be absolutely nuts. You may make your own selection by renting a hotel room at the Quebec Ice Hotel. Every year, as the temperatures drop in January, this arctic shelter is erected. Your voyage begins with a drink at the bar, which is totally constructed of ice, like the rest of this chilly architectural masterpiece. The temperature at the hotel is between-3 and-5 degrees Celsius. Guests are encouraged to relax in the outdoor hot tubs and sauna before retiring for the night. Finally, nestle yourself into your firm ice bed for a restful night’s sleep, hoping you won’t need to get up to use the restroom.

Canada Craze 

When it comes to planning an active, adrenaline-fuelled vacation in a foreign country, Canada should be at the top of your list. You’ll need a vacation after partaking in all of the insane activities available. If you are a resident of Canada and have been looking for the perfect adventure, it is time you realized it has been under your nose for years!