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Moving to a foreign country is thrilling, exciting, and adventurous. It is meant to open up a world of new possibilities and experiences for you and your family. Many people travel to other countries, realize the growth potential, and then put in an indefinite leave to remain application with the immigration authorities. This allows them to live and work in the new country and will enable them to start a new business (if need be). 

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Despite all the enthusiasm and excitement, there are bound to be a few hiccups when moving to a new country. The financial implications, leaving old friends, family, and loved ones behind, and the anxiety of starting afresh can be daunting. It is best to speak to reputable Immigration lawyers and streamline all the processes before starting your shift. Having all the documentation and paperwork done beforehand will save you many issues later. 

Let us look at the 5 common problems of moving to a new country so the shift becomes seamless and stress-free in the long term. 

1. New Culture And Language:

Working and living in a new country comes with a new culture. The people, foods, sights, sounds, and smells are all different. There is also the issue of overcoming the new climate, weather patterns, and geography. 

If you are shifting to a country that does not speak the same first language as your home, investing in a government-recognized language course is best. Having this certification will add credibility when applying for leave to remain. It is also helpful to read about the do’s and don’ts of the new country, so you do not offend the locals. 

2. New Work Environment:

Many people also face difficulties with new work environments that affect their overall growth, mental wellbeing, and financial success. Working abroad can bring with it a host of new challenges. Expats need to deal with new levels of formality and seniority at the workplace. Understanding these culture-based work differences will impact the new relationships and interactions. 

There would also be a change in workplace attire. Some countries have a strict formal dress code, while some have a smart casual code. It is best to read up about everything before starting the interview process. Another aspect to look at is gift-giving. Gift-giving in the workplace may be frowned upon in the new country, so it is best to ask colleagues and co-workers about these things in advance. 

3. Moving With Family And Pets:

Many families move abroad with children and pets. If this is the case, you should consider purchasing or renting a house nearer to local schools and colleges. It is also helpful to check the school curriculum and prerequisites before transferring your children. Moving to a new country may also be overwhelming for children and young adults. It is best to have a frank and honest discussion with your children and partner about the challenges and how to overcome them. 

If you are getting your pets with you, you may need to check the pet policies of the country beforehand. Having all the vaccinations, microchipping, and other treatments early can make the shifting process stress-free for you and your pets. It is also useful to consult with your local vet and ask for references in the new country. 

4. Finding the Right Place:

Finding the right place is majorly dependent upon the family’s likes and dislikes. If your family prefers living in the countryside and traveling, you should opt to live in a suburb away from the city but closer to a reputable school. If your family prefers the hustle and bustle of the city, then you would need to search for something more relative to the main areas and neighborhoods. 

When moving for the first time, it is best to rent a place for the first six months and then decide after a while. 

5. Getting A Job:

If you can ask for a transfer from your current company, you are assured of having a job in the new country. However, if you need to job hunt, you should start the application process as soon as possible and start giving online interviews. You should also check the visa status and apply accordingly. 

The best way to start is by visiting job boards online and ensuring your resume and cover letter are suited to the jobs for the new country. You may need to work on fine-tuning the resume, but it will be worth it in the end.