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Our approach to taking care of our health is changing. Thanks to mobile devices, it is now possible to constantly have access to personal health information. Wearable technology, like Fitbit and Apple’s wristwatch, may continuously gather data and offer insights into our fitness and health. 

However, users and healthcare professionals cannot gain an integrated view of health and fitness data due to a lack of interoperability and data silos. Better health outcomes require a comprehensive picture that integrates user-collected informal health and fitness data with professionally-gathered official health records. Mobile apps may access both formal and unofficial health and data silos, which puts them in a good position to contribute significantly to the aggregation.

What Non-Developers Need To Know

Let’s spend some time discussing how third-party app features integration functions from a technical standpoint if you’re a gym and yoga studio owner, a personal trainer, or a fitness influencer with no experience in the tech sector.

You must integrate the application programming interface (API) of the fitness and health data offered by services like Google Fit, Apple Health, Garmin, and others. Follow this link to get an overview – stormotion.io/blog/how-to-enable-google-fit-apple-healthkit-and-other-services-to-share-data-with-your-app/. 

Simply said, create a unique section of code that will allow your app to connect to such services, request data from them, and show it in your app.

We’ve included links to the service documentation, which outlines what your developers should perform, in the descriptions of each service. So all they need to do is show it to your development team if you already have one.

Google Fit 

By requesting permission to view the data, your program can do so. In addition to such public data, Google Fit can retain some forms of limited health data. You will need to apply for OAuth API verification to obtain this type of data, though it relates to private medical information. After reviewing your application, Google will decide whether to approve or reject verification. 

These protected details consist of:

  • Saturation with oxygen
  • Temp. of the body
  • Blood glucose, Blood pressure, and
  • additional cervical positions

Google offers the option to create custom data types if you require information that the platform does not yet provide.


You should also be aware of how Google Fitness APIs comply with current security regulations and how you integrate them without infringing these laws, as health and fitness data is typically extremely sensitive.

Essential Keep In Mind

You might need to abide by additional third-party conditions if you use Shareable Data Types from other suppliers. 

Medical equipment shouldn’t be utilized with Google Fit. Use Google Fit APIs “not with any product or service that may qualify as a medical device,” as that term is defined in Section 201(h) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C), as stated clearly by Google.

Using Google Fit APIs does not guarantee that your app complies with HIPAA regulations. That implies that any HIPAA compliance that may be necessary is entirely your responsibility. Additionally, if you want to use any type of HIPAA-compliant Protected Health Information, you must obtain Google’s prior written consent.

Finally, you must certify that neither you nor your end users will sell any content obtained from Google Fit for advertising, promotions, or the like.


You’ll need a Google account and Google Play Services to permit Google Fit to share data with your app. Good news for your programmers: Google offers comprehensive documentation that is easy to understand when accessing data from the Google Fitness API. 

Now, let’s go to Apple’s Healthkit:

Apple Healthkit

The Apple Health app was introduced in 2014 and is available on Apple devices running iOS 8 or later, just like Google Fit. What a successful year it’s been for fitness applications, huh?

The business also made available the Apple HealthKit API, a component of the iOS SDK for Mac app development, along with the app.

The tool immediately gained popularity. The list of apps that are HealthKit compatible includes well-known brands like:

  • Strava, Runtastic Steps, and Garmin Connect – fitness apps.
  • Lifesum and Foodzy – dietary apps
  • Hello Doctor, HealthyNow – healthcare apps

Apple certainly emphasizes its products – iPhone, iPod Touch, and Apple Watch — when it comes to HealthKit-compliant gadgets. Except for those devices, Apple Health is compatible with Jawbone, Nike Fuelband, Withings, and several other brands. 

To ensure you are updated on the most recent modifications, we advise checking this information before constructing your own since both Apple and Google may experience changes in the variety and names of compatible devices.


Apple has a comprehensive how-to manual for iOS developers. Keep in mind that HealthKit can only be included in iOS applications.

However, for that, iOS SDK 8 or a later version must be used by your development team.

Key Takeaways

As healthcare continues to be changed, the biggest digital companies are always developing new tools for consumers, doctors, and insurers. Since there are now billions of connected devices, there is an urgent need for better techniques and platforms for interconnecting them. It’s only a matter of time before more medical-grade apps are developed.