Swakopmund is situated in Erogo District, at 361 km/224 mi in the west of Windhoek, Namibia's capital. The spot lies in the Namib Desert, western Namibia giving in the costal edge and facing the south Atlantic Ocean. The spot, an amazing combination of the ocean with desert represents an ideal option for paragliding soaring.
The Swakopmund town, built in the premises of Namib desert, better known as Moçâmedes Desert, is the junction of the South Atlantic Ocean and one of the oldest and largest deserts worldwide. The open sky, the deep blue and the endless dunes set an exceptional panorama.
The area is an immense taking off and landing arena. The open desert floor under your feet ends just where break the waves of the ocean shaping the coastline of the country. Paragliding there does not require special diplomas or license. The location is ideal for beginners because it does not present particular technical difficulties.
The warm continental wind meets the cold ocean Banguela current, creating the right boost for your flight. Often fog, springing from this impact, covers large part of the desert. Swakopmund is definitely a great touristic destination and an unforgettable flight experience!! Ready for the ride??