Sailing in Diani Beach, Kwale, Coast Province Kenya

Wind Factor:
14-25 kn/26-46.3 kph
Diani Beach is located at 30 km/18 mi in the south of Mombasa town, 45 km/27 mi from Mombasa International Aiport and 5 km/3 mi from the Ukunda airstrip. The beach stretches at about 25 km/15 mi long with stunning coral reef and huge marine life. The pearly white sand blends into warm blue waters making it a perfect spot for beach holiday!!

The spot is famous for its cross shore, consistent winds, sheltered and flat water conditions allowing for great sailing for both the learner and experienced sailor.

December through to March, average wind is between 15-25 kn/27.7-46.3 kph whileĀ June – September on the other hand has winds of an average 20-25 kn/37-46.3 kph due to the monsoon winds.

Weather here is under the tropical climate and it rarely gets below 24Ā°C/75.20Ā°F. Rainy seasons are between April-May and October-November with intervals of clear blue skies. The spacious nature of the beach allows for smooth sailing with no one to crowd you making it just the right paradise getaway needed. The sailing vessel is normally done in exotic ancient dhows with irresistible views of the Indian Ocean so calm and reassuring for the weary traveler!!