Water Skiing in Interlaken, Bern-Mittelland, Switzerland

Best wind direction:
Average wind speed:
4 knots/7.4 kph
Average air temperature:
Bern is the capital city of Switzerland and the fifth most populous city in the country. It is also the capital of the Canton of Bern which is the second most populous among cantons. The official language in Bern is German but the main language the residents speak is the Alemannic dialect, called Bernese German. Bern is situated on the Swiss plateau in the Canton of Bern, in the north of the Bernese Alps and slightly in the west of the Swiss geographical center.

In Bern and nearby the city, there are many sports that can be performed. In Interlaken in particular, water sports dominate the locals and visitors interest, with water skiing being the most popular. The lake is beautiful and the conditions to practice water skiing are ideal.

The lake has a maximum length of 17.5 km /10.9 mi long, allowing many water skiers to practice together and a lot of space to show off your tricks! Maximum width of the lake is at 3.5 km /2.3 mi and the surface area is 48.3 m² /520 ft².

Average depth of the lake is at 136 m /446 ft and the maximum depth reaches at 217 m /712 ft. The water volume is up to 6.5 m² /70 ft² and the surface elevation is at 558 m /1831 ft. The wind blows ideally from west-northwest, northwest and southeast with an average speed of 4 knots/7.4 kph. Average air temperature is 7-20°C/44.6-68°F, depending on the season.

Around and on the beach, there are schools and shops with experienced and friendly staff to help you out. So, if you find yourself in Bern, pay a visit to Interlaken and enjoy the water skiing experience.