Big tricks, incredible stunts and flirting with danger are to be expected in 2016’s Winterclash. But there’s so much more to Winterclash than just these. Every year, since 2005, the rollerblading community gathers together for a two-day celebration of joy, friendship and of course a lot of rollerblading!
This year, all the fans of the sport will be travelling to Eindhoven to enjoy one the most awaited events of the year. Winterclash 2016 will take place during the weekend of 19th & 20th February, in Area 51 Skatepark in Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Eindhoven is easily reached, as it’s just one hour drive away from Amsterdam or the German border. In addition, the Area 51 Skatepark is conveniently located near the “Eindhoven Beukenlaan” train station.
Athletes compete in four categories, depending on their skill level, sex and age. Pro: International Pro for a boot company, or qualified during previews events Am: Older than 16 years old Girl: All ages Junior: 7 – 16 (including 16) years old. A signed confirmation from the parents is needed, confirming that you are allowed to be there and that you are competing at your own risk.

The athletes go through a qualification procedure, leading to semifinals and then to the final. The “best trick” doesn’t win, but the overall fluidity, style, difficulty of tricks and creativity are the keys for a winning performance.
Winterclash 2016 organisers are promising a series of very interesting projects and side events too, just to add up to the action parallel to the main competition. Keep an eye on their website for updates and get your tickets soon here
For the full sceadule of the event, look here
See you in Winterclash!!