Ras Sudr Bay is situated at 604km/375mi and about 3 hours away in the east of Cairo, Egypt's capital city. The long stretch of coast, makes this place an oasis for those who want to spend most of their time in the water. Thanks to its shallow waters and the constant wind, Ras Sudr is without a doubt one of the best kiteboarding spots in the world.
Toby Braeuer, the grandmaster of old-school-kiteboarding and godfather of Airstyle, invites kiteboarding lovers who wish for more than the usual tricks, to the Airstyle Hangout. This is the biggest AirStyle event ever organized in Egypt!

The event is taking place at the Kitesurfing Village of Ras Sudr and will be held during 22-29 September 2014. The unique geological position of this spot offers ideal conditions for both kitesurfers of all ages and skill levels. So, try to find yourself in this fantastic event and show off some of the most amazing tricks and jumps, while collecting points in 6 disciplines, or just watch the riders and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

Keep in mind that, participation is open for both novice and professional riders from all over Europe and Egypt. Disciplines include Boardoff, OneFoot, Transition, Surface, Simple Trick and Hangtime. In the end, the winner with the highest score will be announced and awarded.

If you wish to register in the event, click here. Make sure you buy your tickets early and don’t miss the opportunity to visit Airstyle Hangout event and enjoy all professional and amateur riders showing off their best tricks to impress the crowd and the judges!