Jomblang Cave, Yogyakarta

Jomblang Cave, Yogyakarta

/ Yogyakarta Indonesia

Java is the 5th largest island in Indonesia and the world's most populous as well. It acts as Indonesia's center of cultural and economic activity. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Banted, plus two additional special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin and lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east.

Parangtritis Beach, Yogyakarta

Parangtritis Beach, Yogyakarta

/ Yogyakarta Indonesia

Java is the 5th largest island in Indonesia and the world's most populous one as well. It acts as Indonesia's center of cultural and economic activity. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Banted plus two additional special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin and lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east.

Pindul Cave, Yogyakarta

Pindul Cave, Yogyakarta

/ Yogyakarta Indonesia

Java is the 5th largest island in Indonesia and the world's most populous as well. It acts as Indonesia's center of cultural and economic activity. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Banted plus two additional special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin and lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east.

Elo River, Yogyakarta

Elo River, Yogyakarta

/ Yogyakarta Indonesia

Java is the 5th largest island in Indonesia and the world's most populous as well. It acts as Indonesia's center of cultural and economic activity. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Banted plus two additional special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin and lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east.

Lower Progo River, Yogyakarta

Lower Progo River, Yogyakarta

/ Yogyakarta Indonesia

Java is the 5th largest island in Indonesia and the world's most populous as well. It acts as Indonesia's center of cultural and economic activity. Java is divided into four provinces, West Java, East Java, Central Java and Banted plus two additional special regions, Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Java is almost entirely of volcanic origin and lies between Sumatra to the west and Bali to the east.