All good things come to an end they say and, after a very successful and exciting season, the 2016 Extreme Sailing Series™ will soon end too. Curtains will fall in Sydney, Australia, the city that hosted a spectacular grand final to the 2015 Extreme Sailing Series™.

This season’s champions will be crowned on December 11, 2016, with an equally spectacular event as last year, the kind of only Sydney knows how to host.
The idyllic scenery close to Opera House will be the background of the racing held inside Sydney’s busy harbour. Though December’s weather conditions are usually perfect for sailing, the sailors will not only have to deal with that but also with the choppy water from all the passing ferries.

The winner will take it all in this last 8th Act of the 2016 Series, with 3 crews fighting for top spot after the results of the 7th act in Lisbon.
When the races are done, Sidney takes over though. Its history and culture, its art and cuisine, its everything… Sydney has something for everyone.

If you can’t make to the water no worries! The Extreme Sailing Series™ website ‘LIVE’ page will be broadcasting live, as always, so you can watch and comment from the comfort of your home. Don’t forget to follow the event’s twitter hadnle @extremesailing and comment using the #extremesailing hashta. Live streaming of the SAP Sailing Analytics and dynamic leaderboards is also available from the same site.
Can’t wait for this! See you by the Opera House.