Date of birth:
Catalonia, Spain
Masters Of Dirt, ION Bike, GoPro,
Rollerskating and Snowboard
Favourite athletes:
Brandon Semenuk, Brett Rheeder


"Gemma Corbera"

Gemma Corbera lives near Barcelona, ​​Catalonia, Spain. She practices Dirt Jump with her Mountain Bike and also does some Freeride. She started making Dirt Jump when she was 17. She practiced rollerskating and one day went for a walk with her rollers to La Poma Bikepark and she discovered the Dirt Jump. From that day she fell in love with Dirt Jump and bought a bicycle.

Normally she mounted on the Bikepark La Poma. She threw her first backflip on a Funbox when only 17. Also she made some exhibitions and races downhill. A year later she had a car accident and was injured almost two years.

After the injury (2014) she started to ride with great desire and threw her first backflip on a Dirt Jump! In 2014 she started competing in events with the guys. She was the first girl to compete in the FMB World Tour with the other guys. In 2014 she managed to enter the Team of Masters Of Dirt. She has made her first show at the Masters Of Dirt Vienna 2015 and did a backflip in a 9 meters jump.

She has been to several big events such as: O’Marisquiño, Happy Ride Weekend, Vienna Air King 2015, Swatch Rocket Air 2015…

Thanks to this she is eager to learn big jumps, new tricks and go to more events!


What are you looking for to accomplish?

I want to get to ride on big jumps and do huge tricks like the guys. I also want to get more style and fun!

"Gemma Corbera"

What would be your greatest achievement?

Make big crazy tricks or be in a good position in an event.

What kind of difficulties does your sport’s performance involve?

The hardest things about riding are falls and injuries… I was discouraged and had very hard days for me.

"Gemma Corbera"

What makes you feel satisfied when performing your sport?


I am satisfied about the great feeling of flying, I love to ride. It also makes me grow a lot of my friends and the public that helps me and encourages me every day. I love feeling that people support me after making a big jump.

Where do you practice your techniques when being alone?

I take the car and I’ll ride in the La Poma Bikepark! I always enjoy it there.

"Gemma Corbera"

What do you do during your training which is key to your success?

The most important thing is to enjoy and feel good! If I get to feel good, everything gradually goes well and I learn a lot faster.

What are you most nervous about when competing?

Hahaha it is nonsense. I get very nervous, I depend on my site. I need my space to start! If I have my space on the platform I go much quieter! Hahaha

"Gemma Corbera"

I also get nervous because I want to do well! I’m very hard on myself and usually always want to do more.

Who would you say is your biggest fan and why?

Hahaha I don’t know… Yes, I think my biggest fans are my family, because they are the ones who really take care of me every day in good and bad times! 

What is the best piece of advice you have been ever given?

This is the advice that most excites me: ” Come on, You can do it! “It is a very simple phrase but I am encouraged to learn to trust me. “If you think you can, you have to do it. Don’t listen to the people” This advice has always done very well.

"Gemma Corbera"

There are people who don’t know me and give me bad advices… When a great friend tells me it encourages me to jump well!

What are your future plans?

First of all I want to learn to ride more! And then go to many trips and go to all the competitions that I can! Non stop! 

What are your tips for those who begin now?

You have to ride a lot and have fun! My big advice is: If you risk and you fall, you will learn faster!

Never say die!

Thanks for all, A hug L, Gemma 

"Gemma Corbera"